

今回のレッスンは、時間(分・時間・日・月・季節)についてです。時間の表現をマスターするカギは、on、in、at、by、withinなどの前 置詞の使い方です。前置詞の意味を個々に憶えるよりも、ひとかたまりとして(熟語のような)憶え、一に練習、二に練習、三に練習です。

Part 1

on Monday(月曜日に), on New Years Day(元旦に), on my birthday(誕生日に), on March 22 (because it's the 22nd day of March)(3月22日だからinでなくてon)

at 2.30pm(午後2時半に), at midnight (= 12am)(真夜中に), at noon(正午に)

in March(3月に), in summer(夏に)

Part 2


on Sunday = on that day(その日、つまり日曜日に)
by Sunday = any time between now and Sunday(今から日曜日の間に)

Part 3

最後のものは、皆さんが一番よく勘違いしているものです。いまから何分後、何時間後、何日後を言い表す場合、 inを使用すること:

正: in 10 minutes (= 10 minutes from now)(今から10分後)
誤り: after 10 minutes
誤り: 10 minutes after
誤り: 10 minutes later

多くの人々は "in 30 minutes" を"within 30 minutes(30分以内)"を意味すると考えていますが、それは間違いです。今、2時30分とすると、 "I will meet John in 30 minutes"は、ジョンに3時に会うことを意味します。今から30分以内、つまり2時30分から3時の間に合う場合は、 "I will meet John within 30 minutes" を使います。


It's January now. I'm going to Hawaii in 2 months. (= I'm going in March.)
Today is Thursday. The game is in 3 days. (= The game is on Sunday.)
It's 9pm. I'm leaving in 20 minutes. (= I'm leaving at 9.20pm.)

in 20 minutes を'20分で'と訳をするから間違えるので、20分後と訳せば、 within 20 minutes との違いがわかりますね。

Talking about Time

This month's lesson is all about time: minutes, hours, days, months, seasons. The key to mastering expressions of time is the preposition: on, in, at, by, within. Memorize the preposition that goes with the expression, and practice, practice, practice!

Part 1

on Monday, on New Years Day, on my birthday, on March 22 (because it's the 22nd day of March)

Clock Time
at 2.30pm, at midnight (= 12am), at noon

Months & Seasons
in March, in summer

Part 2

These 2 expressions are very different:

on Sunday = on that day
by Sunday = any time between now and Sunday

Part 3

And finally, here's the most common mistake of all. When you want to express a time that is a number of minutes/hours/days etc. from now, use in:

Correct: in 10 minutes (= 10 minutes from now)
Incorrect: after 10 minutes
Incorrect: 10 minutes after
Incorrect: 10 minutes later

Many students think that "in 30 minutes" means "within 30 minutes" but it doesn't. If the time is 2.30pm, saying "I will meet John in 30 minutes" means you will meet John at 3.00pm. Saying "I will meet John within 30 minutes" means you will meet John at any time between now and 3.00pm.

Here are some more examples:

It's January now. I'm going to Hawaii in 2 months. (= I'm going in March.)
Today is Thursday. The game is in 3 days. (= The game is on Sunday.)
It's 9pm. I'm leaving in 20 minutes. (= I'm leaving at 9.20pm.)

